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For new patients

During your first visit, we will review your entire psychiatric, medical, social and family history in detail. This would also include detailed review of your current and past medications, their effects and side-effects along with any allergies that you may have experienced. A physical examination including checking of vital signs (BP, heart rate, weight) might be necessary at times. Based on this comprehensive review of past and current symptoms, a preliminary diagnosis would be made and a treatment plan would be devised. This treatment plan could include medications and psychotherapy as well as other modalities of treatment that might need referral to other professionals, including ordering labs and imaging.

What are some preventative measures I can take?

  • Brush with a fluoride toothpaste

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush after each meal

  • Floss daily before bedtime

  • Use an oral rinse after flossing

  • Avoid sugary foods, coffee, and tobacco

The following text is placeholder known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Aenean libero augue, varius eget posuere iaculis, eleifend at mi. Duis tempor mauris quis interdum pellentesque. Nunc sed turpis et odio finibus elementum vitae id ante. Quisque at felis in odio tempor euismod. In ornare lacus ac purus imperdiet maximus. Etiam viverra nunc sit amet est tincidunt, quis lobortis elit sodales. Praesent lacus risus, varius tempus eleifend et, iaculis vitae nisi. Vivamus eleifend odio ac pretium sodales. Duis a augue erat. Vestibulum at libero bibendum, vestibulum metus vitae, pulvinar nunc.